布料原料:復合雙面搖粒絨布料 首要色彩:赤色(色彩可根據(jù)客戶請求定制) 號型規(guī)模:S,M,L,XL,XXL,XXXL(類型尺度可根據(jù)客戶請求定制) 合適場合:運動休閑,野外,促銷活動等 商品樣式:開身拉鏈立領絨馬甲 商品特點:開身拉鏈立領短款絨馬甲,雙面復合搖粒絨布料,時髦版型,保暖兼具舒適性 精品搖粒絨原料,手感柔軟,穿戴舒適,保暖性強,可內(nèi)穿也可外穿。 簡練的立領,既可作為立領又可作翻領,調配為所欲為,更顯幽默時髦,增添了另樣風貌,立領穿差翻領的設計,漂亮時髦,休閑大氣。 拉鏈選用高耐磨拉鏈,健壯經(jīng)用,穿脫便利。兩邊的口袋,細巧隨性,能夠放隨身小物品,時髦有用。 全體樣式將運動與時髦相結合,樣式新穎,色彩鮮明,取舍大方,交運動,時髦,休閑,完美的融為一體。衣服左胸、右胸、后背等方位均可放置logo,顯示企業(yè)風貌。
Fabric material: fleece fabric composite double primary colors: red (color can be customized according to customer request) Size: S, M, L scale, XL, XXL, XXXL (the type of scale according to customer request) Suitable occasion: sports and leisure, wild, promotions and other merchandise style: open zipper collar velvet vest Product features: open zipper collar short velvet vest, double-sided composite fleece fabric, stylish version, with warm comfort Fine materials, soft, comfortable, warm and strong, can be worn outside the wear. The concise collar, both as a stand up collar and lapel, deployment of do as one pleases, appears to be more humorous fashion, adding to the another kind of style, collar wear poor turndown collar design, beautiful, stylish, casual atmosphere. Zipper selection of high wear resistant zipper, robust and easy to wear off. On both sides of the pocket, with delicate, to carry small items, fashionable and useful. All styles will be combined with the modern style, new style, bright colors, the choice of generous, pay sports, fashion, leisure, perfect integration. Clothes left chest, right chest, back and other positions can be placed logo, showing the style of the enterprise.